Andreu Osika
Tyler Munson - Munson Design
I’ve known Andreu for more than 25 years, back to the days when we were classmates in design school together. Andreu has worked with me as a trusted contract art director and design partner for several online advertising and paid social media campaigns. He is certainly a pleasure to work with - reliable, friendly, and punctual. His deliverables hit all the marks. He’s great at taking strategic business vision and translating that into aesthetically beautiful and functional solutions. When facing tight deadlines, he has gone the extra mile to deliver excellent work, on-time. He’s a fantastic resource, and I hope to partner with him more.
Cat Ferrez - Achieve
Both Andreu and I work at Achieve. Andreu was hired as our resident design system expert. Andreu came into the design org and hit the ground running by single handedly building the Achieve design system. He is very quick and covers the details under tight timelines.

He works really well with our engineering team and other members of the design team. Andreu is a consummate professional and an all around nice human to work with. He also educates other designers along the way and has also enlightened many a leader on how design systems work and the benefits of having a design system in place.

Andreu is an asset to any organization who is looking to start net new on a design system or improve upon an existing system.
UV Mathoda - Achieve
I had the pleasure of working with Andreu recently. Product strategy and positioning come naturally to Andreu. I worked closely with him on an authentication project @ Achieve.

He led the User Experience Design for the project and delivered beautifully. He also lead and managed the complex work of building out a new design system with excellent results. A great person to work with!
Chris Barnard - Achieve
It was truly great working with, and learning from Andreu while he built our design system from 0 to 1. He managed a rebrand, and many new component sets from multiple newly branded BUs all the while acting as a great design leader and partner.

Andreu’s professionalism and eye for detail were another source of inspiration and I could not be more happy that I had the chance to work alongside him.
Joshua Danielson - Mursion
Andreu is someone you definitely want leading your design team. He’s obsessed with making both internal and external customers successful, leads with empathy, is a creative powerhouse, and delivers results with a great attitude and strong work ethic.

He rebuilt Mursion’s design system across our web, mobile apps and desktop software - and designed from the ground up a whole new product all with impeccable detail. Above all, he’s a pleasure to work with!
Daniel Venegas - Hero Digital
Had the pleasure of working with Andreu while tackling a prominent enterprise design project for Hero Digital.

I found he was consistently engaged, creative in his approach, and had a confident team attitude. I look forward to overcoming product design challenges with Andreu anytime.
Andrew Ries - Hero Digital
Andreu is a very talented UX/Product designer and helped our team deliver a number of high profile projects for one of the world’s biggest tech companies. He mergers excellent CX thinking, high quality designs along with a collaborative attitude.

His confidence in product design and comfort working directly with stakeholders helped drive creative solutions while his humility and humor helped create a fun working environment. I look forward to working with Andreu again (the sooner the better)!
Kelvin Young - Houzz
I've had the pleasure of working with Andreu twice. We were on the same team at Yahoo, and most recently he helped me out on a handful of projects at Houzz. His professionalism is top notch, clearly communicating needs and expectations from the beginning.

He is definitely someone you want if you are looking for someone with great design sensibilities and collaborates very well with others.
Craig Peters - Awasu Design
Andreu has been an excellent addition to our team over multiple projects. He’s smart, thoughtful, and cares about the user. He weaves together great UX and visual design. Most important, Andreu is creative and fast while bringing strong collaboration skills. Pleasure to work with.
Varun Mehra - Awasu Design
Andreu is a kickass designer with an ability to tackle complex user experience workflows as well as produce solid visual designs.

As a contractor on our team, he’s always been flexible with his bandwidth, able to balance his workload efficiently and manage client relationships. He’s also a total team player and a pleasure to work with!
Mark Baerenrodt - Procept BioRobotics
Andreu has been a graphic design and GUI resource for over 10 years. His vision, passion for usability, and exquisite design sense make him an excellent development partner.

Andreu is very hands on and interactive, an unusually easy to work with designer, and an all around great guy. I highly recommend him to help solve the most challenging design programs.
Arnab Paul - Corrus
Andreu played a critical role in the execution of our customer-focused product vision, with meaningful UX designs, and by ensuring brand guidelines were established and met.

Our distributed team utilized his strong leadership, collaboration and communication skills to meet and exceed strict quality guidelines. His ability to relate to our vision and participate as a strategic partner is one of the most enjoyable aspects of working with Andreu.
Lokesh Tripathi - Satmetrix
I have worked with Andreu on multiple design projects in Satmetrix. He is a product manager's delight. He has an amazing ability to understand really complex product scenarios & flows and translate them into intuitive visual designs. He is able to empathise with the user and also appreciates Engineering challenges.

I strongly recommend Andreu for his User Experience Design excellence. He is a great team player and an awesome human being. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with him.
Lakshmi Kumar - Satmetrix
Andreu is a UX Rockstar. Hire this guy! We worked together for over 18 months at Satmetrix. He came on-board to help us establish our pattern library (design system) and stayed on to design key features for our CEM software: NPX. Typically Andreu led the projects from start to finish.

He is a meticulous professional. He always delivered well thought out and well-detailed designs. He can handle gnarly UX hairballs and keep his cool under pressure. I told you: Rockstar material. I wish you all the best Andreu. It was such a pleasure working with you.
Maneesh Agawal - Satmetrix
Andreu is a product UX design consultant with whom I fortunately had many opportunities to work very closely.

He has helped me successfully address a lot of design requirements for some of our very critical and complex projects. He is very professional and always brings in fresh perspective on the table. He is not afraid to challenge ideas and that has hugely benefited the team and the project.

I have been immensely satisfied by his ability to perform under pressure and deliver great results. I can definitely rely on him to help meet our company's product design goals and always welcome an opportunity to work with him in future.
Todd Silverstein - Yahoo
If you're considering working with Andreu, I'd highly recommend you take that opportunity. In addition to being a fast and fantastic visual designer, he's empathetic, and always-thoughtful about higher-level experience considerations, and also a pleasure to work with.

He was a true partner to me and to the product teams he worked with most recently at Yahoo, helping to craft experiences that have delighted millions of Yahoo's end users.
Angelika Stalman - Nokia
We hit a jackpot with Andreu. His craft is in his ability to quickly translate technology into product UI scenarios that bring to life a vision that would otherwise only exist on paper.

He's done a tremendous job building out product concepts on the web and on device, that our incumbent UI engineers ended up adopting for their final product.

He's also created the most spectacular vector based UI art illustrating our location services apps that ended up in Stephen Elop's 2011 MWC keynote presentation. And on top of his talent, he's a wonderful person to work with. Extremely detail oriented and a great listener.